Colin Pape

Founder Presearch

Colin Pape is an entrepreneur and expert in the field of decentralization and search engine technology. He is the founder of Presearch, a decentralized search engine with over 1.3 million registered users, and, a local search engine platform representing over 80,000 businesses. In 2011, Colin Pape crossed paths with internet Goliath Google when it shut down almost all of’s community websites, rendering tens of thousands of small businesses invisible online. Fortunately for these small businesses, Colin worked with a prominent antitrust lawyer and successfully had Google reverse their blockade. Recognizing that it’s detrimental to have a single company serve as the gatekeeper to the Internet, Colin Pape laid out a plan to level the playing field with localized and decentralized search initiatives. In 2013, Colin developed Presearch for internal use. Four years later, Presearch launched publicly as the first open, decentralized search engine supported by an Ethereum-based token for advertising and rewards called PRE.

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