Alexander Díaz

Director of Corp Communications Meaningful Brands

Vision. Insight. Ethics. Innovation. Collaboration. These virtues we have always needed. But given today's epic local and global challenges, rarely have they been so profoundly required. At the core, it is what I and Team ARCO bring to your table in our Public Relations and Marketing Communications work. Because in the end, no company can thrive unless society thrives. It's all interconnected, and the brands of the future are the ones that get this and integrate it in strategy, values and execution. In that context, my niche has always been the Big Idea. In the newsroom, that yielded game-changing coverage and storytelling. In corporate comm, it meant sound management internally and visionary leadership externally. At ARCO Relations today, it means primarily two things. First, producing future-defining stakeholder alliances and initiatives in our exclusive PRoyectos de País Practice — which again strengthens the commons and our clients' brands. We're addressing climate change, tech development, energy transformation, poverty alleviation and food security, creative industries, economic prosperity, job creation, disaster recovery, and more. Secondly, ARCO's Meaningful Brands Practice, in alliance with HAVAS, where I lead an amazing team bringing meaning to your life through the brands you use. Our home base in Puerto Rico — U.S. territory, LatAm society and culture, central location in the Caribbean, always bubbling with energy and creativity — is ideal to reach any place in the Americas with content and strategies that connect. So what change do you aim to create? Drop me a note: [email protected]. It'll be my honor to help you make it happen.

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