Joe Cutler helps evaluate the regulatory exposure and compliance paths for emerging distributed ledger technology companies, cryptocurrency exchanges and token-based projects. Joe helps companies navigate the regulatory thickets surrounding token sales, digital and self-sovereign identity, IoT/AI/blockchain convergence and the business of blockchain. As co-founding member of the firm’s Fintech and Blockchain Technology & Digital Currency industry groups, Joe has extensive experience providing guidance related to financial services, principally those involving money transmission, exchange and emerging payment solutions. He helps companies obtain state money transmission licenses, register with FinCEN as money services businesses, draft and implement anti-money laundering programs, and comply with state and federal financial privacy laws. Joe's litigation work focuses on combating cybercrime and enforcing website terms of use. Outside the financial services space, Joe counsels clients regarding compliance with state and federal privacy and data protection laws (including the CCPA), anti-spamming and anti-phishing statutes, computer intrusion laws, state data protection and breach notification laws, international data protection laws (including the GDPR) and credit protection laws, such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Equal Credit Opportunity Act. He has also spent considerable time conducting privacy audits and helping clients develop and implement information governance programs. Joe provides counsel on a number of regulatory issues related to financial services, including the Bank Secrecy Act, FinCEN regulations, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements and state money transmission and financial services laws.
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