Tess Hau

Tess Ventures

Tess Hau is an investor & advisor to high performing startups globally. She had multiple successful investments and exits in VR tech, biotech, construction tech, marketing automation, blockchain cryptocurrency tech companies. She invests in AI, ML, IoT, privacy and security, regulation tech, FemTech, SEA startup, health tech disrupters, enterprise applications and IT infrastructure. She was recognized by Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global as one of the “Women to Watch”. A respected leader and subject matter expert. She is sought after speaker, lecturer, and advisor on venture capital, startups, entrepreneurship, blockchain, strategy, Southeast Asia expansion and growth. She has been featured as both speaker and moderator on numerous VC and entrepreneurship panels. Among her many roles: Founder of VC Fund, Tess Ventures; Venture Partner at Spike Ventures, a venture capital fund for alumni of Stanford University; and as a previous advisor to the Stanford Office of Technology Licensing, Tess was COO of GCBC Stanford Graduate School of Business. She also served as Chief Ambassador - as was appointed by the Dean of Engineering Pearl - at the University of Waterloo. Previously involved in investments in Plangrid (acquired for $875m), NextVR (acquired by Apple for about $100m), Kraken (pre-IPO cryptocurrency exchange), and TuSimple ($1.25b valuation). Investor in various startups. Investor/LP in hedge fund and VC funds. Tess is an internationally recognized champion of health issues, women’s leadership, and diversity initiatives relating to gender and race. She is passionate about education, mentoring and developing women leaders, and connecting entrepreneurs across cultures.

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